Sunday 28 January 2007


My mum and dad came round to see their grand-tortoises today - apparently they've been so worried about Lola, that they rushed round as soon as they knew she was out of hibernation ( a full 30 hours later).

For the last 3 weeks, I've had to endure tactless comments from my mum about how could I DO that to Lola, and how could I go out socialising when she could be dead etc! Which hasn't helped the situation.

So when she was cuddling Reggie today, and he peed on her, I made no attempt to disguise my laughter - even though it went all over the couch as well!

He got an extra lettuce leaf tonight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahh that's great news about Lola - bet you're well pleased! Tell me all about it tomorrow!

Lovin' your blog by the way!

And, yes I have my laptop back - hooray!!!

Emma x