Wednesday 28 February 2007

Braille Face

Save the cheerleader - save the world!

Never mind the world, what about my poor nervous disposition???? Heroes just gets better and better!

And I wish someone would come and save my skin! I've had the same 9 spots squatting on my face for the last month...! It's outrageous, when I wished I looked younger, I didn't mean that I wanted acne! I'm trying to stop myself google-ing this, in case I end up convincing myself I've got some rare tropical disease!

Can't believe got to wait another week for the next episode of H!


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean - I've got several new growths on my face which are all sprouting their own wonder personalities...yuck!

Slightly off the subject here, but this is irrating the shite out of me. My colleague who sits next to me is really beginning to grate on my nerves...don't get me wrong she is in fact a lovely lady..BUT it's the way she drinks her god dman tea. She gulps her tea v loudly and I just can't stand it ANYMORE!!! I can feel myself clenching my fist each time I see her bring back her hot, steaming tea!

Sorry, your blog, but just needed to get that off my chest...thanks!

How's you?

Sue x

Ruthie said...

Eurgh Sue, she sounds hideous, that's nearly as bad as the woman who sits.... oops, can feel myself about to slag off someone I know who might actually read this... best stop there!!! Feel free to offload anytime though

By the way, spotwatch - think they may be clearing... I've resorted to Tzone stuff which is meant to be for teenagers, and it seems to be working! Hurrah!

Gina said...

perhaps your spots are a wierd foreshadowing of a developing superpower? Squeeze the spots, save the world.

BTw is Sue is Mrs H?

Ruthie said...

Blimey, why didn't I think of that? See, some good MAY come of them after all... as long as I don't have to get my fat butt into a cheerleaders outfit though!

Sue is the lovely glamorous Mrs H, although I did tell her she'd be better keeping her own name, far nicer!!! And cannot even begin to imagine her getting a blemish on her perfect skin! Dead jealous!