Wednesday 14 February 2007

You decide...

... is this a compliment or insult?

My colleagues have told me that I sing "gay", and I can even make the Question of Sport theme sound camp!!!!

I consulted the delightful Lady Wayne, as gayness is his specialised subject. We didn't reach a satisfactory conclusion, and I didn't really fancy posting a video of me singing on YouTube with the slogan "does this sound gay?"

Therefore, despite our workloads, we decided to settle for an American Style-y sing-off to 'the Final Countdown', to see which of us sounded more "gay"!

I won - the first competition I ever remember winning, and alas it wasn't the proud moment I thought it would be!

Anyway, I'm left confused as to whether singing "gay" is a good thing, Wayne obviously thinks it is, but, as per usual, he's in the minority group!


Gina said...

It must be thanks to those singing lessons you took a few years ago. Remember you took the lessons to prepare you for the Pop idol audition?

Ruthie said...

Ohhhhhhhh yeah!

I should've stuck with them, seeing as Gay Will Young won that year!

Anonymous said...

I couldn't possibly comment either way (or both ways, for that matter).

Alan (Alcazar's biggest fan)

Paula said...

So, did you get a banner?? Miss 'GaySound2007' ?? ..and just think, it never seemed to work against George Michael over the years.Maybe you have found your 'special talent' and this could be the start of something big! Can I have your autoograph pleeeeeeeeease.

Ruthie said...

No I didn't get a banner - outrageous! In fact, all I got was a whole lotta humiliation!!! Some prize!