Saturday 17 February 2007

Pet personalities

Reggie has turned into a right Little Mr Independent, which is a complete opposite to "Princess" Lola!!!

Today, I let them both out so I could change their bedding. Lola acted all precious and scared, and ran right under the computer, while Reggie proceeded to try and 'hump' my big toe!!! Ok I was wearing green socks at the time, so he might have mistaken my toe for Lola, but surely he saw the rest of me attached to it??? Didn't bat an eyelid!

When he realised that my toe wasn't having any of it, he did a re-think, and decided if it wasn't Lola, then it must be food, so he started to try and chew my sock! Little bugger!

Anyway, bored of my toe, he then tried to engage Lola in a game of "IT" - but thats way beneath her! So he contented himself with trying to squeeze behind the door.... it was way too narrow for him, so he tipped himself on his side, and wriggled down there on two legs!

Then as if he hadn't had enough adventure for one day, he tried fronting up to the Dyson... which was on at the time!!!

He is one brave tortoise... or very stupid one!

1 comment:

Gina said...

green socks? Reggie was probably trying to do you a favour and get the sock off. green socks !