Monday 26 March 2007

Ladies, don't y'all be getting jealous now....

... but Jude Law was filming outside our new offices today!

I'm definitely in the "couldn't give a fek, let alone want to" camp when it comes to Mr Law, which must make me in the minority, judging by the swooning ladies in the office! I think it was very inconsiderate of Mr Law to use this location. The last thing I wanted to be doing was stepping over hyperventilating women (and some men) on the way to the toilets, especially as the one's on our floor weren't working, so I had even further to go! I mean, I ask you, try doing a blooming assault course with your legs crossed!

I already feel happy with the building, although a lot of things don't seem to be working yet. It's much more relaxed than the pompous HQ - I can't be dealing with all that "best behaviour" lark!

I was really pleased, because the walk from the station didn't take as long as I expected, but then I totally fekked up on the way back, because I forgot it was all UPHILL, which takes twice as long, so very nearly missed my train!

Legs ache now - all that stepping over and stepping up! Must get some Radox tomorrow!


Gina said...

I really really hate Jude Law. He has got a face I would like to punch.

Glad you like your new offices.

PS Esther is moving on Thursday.

Ruthie said...

I thought you hated him too, and nearly "named" you in this post as being in the "eurgh to Jude" camp, but then I got confused and thought it was Kate Winslet you really really hated and wanted to punch.

Gina said...

I don't like Kate Winslet either but I don't want to punch her.
Just so you know I don't like:

Kate Moss, Jonathan Ross, Nicole Kidman, Dido, Jamie Callum, James Blunt, Russell Crowe ( and I used to love him- so it is a sad -how could you -dislike)and Professor Lord Sir Robert Winston.

Ruthie said...

Oh,I pretty much agree with that list, apart from Wossy, love him! And have always thought Russell Crowe was a COMPLETE twat (but acknowledge his acting abilities)

Paula said...

Hey Ruthie,
Hey, Hey hey new office girlie! Sounds like fun already.....good job you have got your super duper trainers to wear, I don't envy your uphill stroll on the way BACK from work. Ruthie UpHill Roo