Saturday 10 March 2007

Poor me

Bad news - my body was invaded by the snot monster while I was asleep! That's bad enough, but the invasion means I cannot sleep now, cos every time i lay down, I cannot breathe!!! And now, not only will I have a braille face, but my nose will light up like a big bright red beacon, highlighting my appalling skin! I am not best pleased!

The lovely Mrs Miggins is now compiling the "shouldn't but do" fancy list, so click the link if you're brave enough to admit to yours, like Michael Fish, for know who you are ;o)

Was discussing this with my colleagues yesterday as we were all leaving - the girls were right there with me, but the boys contributions were more along the lines of "my mate's ex" or "my buddies mum"... oh bless their cottons!

God, now my ears feel like they're under water!!!! I am going to be in SUCH a bad mood later!


Anonymous said...

Ohhhh, I hope you feel better soon, sounds miserable. Love and a Kleenex pie, Mrs M. oOXoo

PS, I asked Alan about who he 'shouldn't but do' and he went very vague too...

Ruthie said...

Awww ta, Kleenex pie seems to have done the trick for now, although ears sadly still under water!

Maybe it's just us girlies that daydream eh?