Sunday 11 March 2007

Of all the little ungrateful critters...

Seeing as it was a lovely spring morning, I thought I'd let Reggie have his first trip to the back garden! Lola didn't want to come, too tired apparently! Eaten too much, more like!

Reggie seemed to love it... trying to fight his way through the blades of grass and clover (grantedly I probably should have mowed the lawn first, but hey, that's exercise) - lazy as ever, I couldn't be arsed to get the outdoor pen out of the shed, so I just let him wander round the lawn for a bit...

After about 15 mins, thought it was about time he came back in, so I picked him up and he hissed at me!!!! Outrageous!

And then when I put him down on their bedroom floor, he stormed off under the computer desk (Lola's hiding place) and is now trying to "mount" Lola! Such a disgraceful boy. I thought I'd created a monster in Lola, but Reggie's much more rebellious! Luckily Lola's got a bit of savvy, and turned her "ladybits" to the wall....

I've now moved him away from her, and plonked him down in front of some food, which seems to be enough of a distraction - men have such tiny brains!


Gina said...

Reggie hissed at you? Did he try to bitch slap you? I think you will have to make them believe you are the Alpha (or does that only work with dogs?)

Gina x

Ruthie said...

I should've known he'd be trouble after he fronted the dyson...

And if he tried to bitch slap me, Tom and Penny would be getting a new toy to play with!!!

And there's me saying Lola's no problem, I TOTALLY forgot that she started chewing my jeans yesterday! Anyone would think I didn't feed them!!!!