Saturday 24 March 2007


Even though the weather is freezing me bits off, spring is apparently already here, which means time for spring cleaning....Oh joy of joys!

Surprisingly, I was motivated enough this morning to start this. My enthusiasm turned into major boredom after about 5 minutes, so I stopped to read the paper. Then I started the cleaning again, only to stop about 5 minutes later, because obviously the music I was listening to was ALL wrong, and needed to be changed. Then I just HAD to check everyone's blogs... then I thought it would be better if I had a shower before I cleaned the bathroom. Then it was only polite that I spend the next 2 hours chatting to Lady P.

Anyway, by the time I'd run out of things to distract me, I'd completely lost motiviation for the big spring clean. So it's all gone a bit half-hearted, and my house now looks dirtier and messier than it did before I started. And now I really CANNOT be arsed to finish it.

I think I'm just going to throw everything back in cupboards, and hope no-one ever opens them, like EVER.


Anonymous said...

I'm always getting distracted when cleaning too - I take something into one room and start cleaning something in there , totally forgetting the original job I was doing. I got a new cooker today so had to get the old one out, I have never been so ashamed at the mess down the sides and back of it. There was virtually a whole box of Coco Pops down there, 3 spoons, assorted sized budgie feathers and a half eaten Special K bar. Love & slothfulness, Mrs M oOXOo

Ruthie said...

Ah, don't mention cookers - I've been putting off cleaning mine for AGES! Not looking forward to it!

At least you can blame the kids for the mess ;o) Sadly I cannot do the same with Reggie and Lola - it would take them about a year to walk to the kitchen, let alone make a mess!

and please tell me you weren't plucking the budgie ready for cooking!

Anonymous said...

LOL - no, the old cooker used to have a lid on the top so when not in use I used to stand the cage on it so she could see out of the window, she is always chucking seed husks and feathers about - I think she is competing with my daughter to be the messiest. Love & Pledge, Mrs M oOXOo

Ruthie said...

oh hong kong phew-eeeee! had visions of a lickle budgie roasting on a spit (minus the footballers, of course, because that would be VERY wrong)