Wednesday 29 August 2007


After spending most of the day yesterday drafting some poxy response for one of our compliance teams, I realised that it "just wasn't happening", so decided to leave it til this morning, to let a refreshed brain { yes Mrs Robbo, I do have a functioning one, after that comment you made earlier, grrrrr ;o) } take a look. On my way home last night, I picked up dropped items for passersby, held doors open for people, gave way to commuters etc, and tried not to think about this draft.

Today, I went into work, managed to re-write the document in about 30 mins, giving me enough time to finish other outstanding pieces of work, before going across London to a systems training course. The course went well, the nice chappie training us gave me a bottle of wine, let us out earlier than expected, and when I got to the station, a train was just about to leave, and I managed to get on that without breaking a sweat, arriving home an hour earlier!

So, did my day go well today because I was nice to people yesterday, or, when you are nice to people, does it make you feel good, which means you don't get all pee-d off and bitter about meaningless things? Or was it just that I fell "off the wagon" and had a diet coke at lunch time? {see, I just slipped that in, but I don't think anyone noticed}

I think I am going to make more of an effort to be nice to strangers, and people I know, just in case it's a karmic thing. NB - obviously if people are nasty, or spiteful, then they've chosen to opt out of becoming a beneficiary of the "spread a smile" campaign

So let's hope this lasts longer than my "I'm giving up Diet Coke" idea - oh come on, I must've done over a month without that, and it was only a teeny weeny bottle... and I'm not back on it for good, it was only one, honest guv!


Anonymous said...

A smile, a kind word, a friendly unexpected action can indeed brighten someones day and it really does bounce back to you. Mystical clap-trap maybe but I believe it. Keep spreading the love Ruthie!

Love & peace, Mrs M, who has sniffed no pants today!

PS, well done on the lack of diet coke!!

Unknown said...

many, many years ago I helped out a complete stranger. It was easy for me and cost just a little time. In thanks he said "your name I may forget, your kindness never"

Kind deeds are like ripples on a pond, they keep spreading.

Ruthie said...

awwww, what a lovely saying!

Darn, why do I never think of really cool things to say when it matters?!?!?!


Paula said...

Love the smile campaign idea Ruthie, Very Karmic.

Over the years I had had and returned good deeds, smiles and unexpected acts of kindness as Mrs M mentions..........and I have always remembered this about it......

"Gratitude is the heart's memory"

Big Lurve PaulaBxx