Saturday 14 July 2007

The Big Smoke

I met my lovely sister-in-law after work yesterday (didn't realise how close she works to me)!

We then went to a very nice pub in (get this!) Knightrider Street, called The Centre Page, where we caught up with one of my big bruv's buddies, before the "birthday boy" arrived. I did have a bit of a chuckle when I saw a picture of "The Hoff" behind the bar!

There was a bit of a tense moment when I had to navigate the spiral staircase down to the loos, because I just don't understand the etiquette on these types of stairs - who has the right of way, and who's meant to go on the narrow bit?

We ended up in a very nice Thai restaurant afterwards - yum yum! And then we went our separate ways so I could go and catch the Vomit Comet on the way home! Thankfully not too much vomit, although a load of pissheads were on it!

Bumped into an old work buddy, so I sat with him and had a good gossip before falling into my customary commuting snooze! 5 minutes later, I was nursing a incredibly painful elbow. My buddy thought it would be very funny to quickly move the side of his finger up and down between my lips! I jumped... about 10 foot in the air and bashed my elbow against the wall! Much to his amusement! After that I was too paranoid to go to sleep, so we ended up playing mobile phone mini golf! And Hardy Ha, I thrashed the pants of him! Poetic Justice, if you ask me!

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