Sunday 1 July 2007

Chez Ruthie

It would appear that Stalker Cat has been telling all his cat mates about me! Today I have seen 2 different cats lying down on my patio!

I feel I may turn into the old spinister, known by the locals as "the cat lady" who eventually has no contact with humans, just her trusty feline friends.

But on the bright side, I didn't have any Coke today!


Anonymous said...

oi oi Cat Lady, don't be feeding my bodyguards! I need them lean and mean for the streets of sarfend.

dump the coke and get some milk in, and none of that goat stuff. I need the hard stuff, full fat extra calcium gold top bovine!


Ruthie said...

Bodyguards! oh Purrrrr-lease! As if!

And you know milk is bad for you! But I've got some lovely fizzy vimto if you want to try it!