Tuesday 31 July 2007

Some people...

... are so bleeding ignorant!

I went to the hospital for a blood test yesterday, and saw 2 hood rats arranging their chav calender via their mobiles, whilst sitting by a MASSIVE sign which said, "do not use your mobile phones in the hospital."

Obviously I didn't "ahem" and point to the sign, as I was too scared of getting scarred by their gold sovereign rings


Anonymous said...

Bloody annoying eh?
The last two times the oldest Miggins has been in the 'ossie, I saw people doing the same : one mother sat there running her office very loudly from next to her sons bed - the staff didn't say a word - and it went on for over an hour.
No, I didnt say anything either, there were too many children around for one thing and I admit it, I hate confrontation anyway. Where is the PMT when you need it?

PS - LOL @ SC and his grooming - bless him!!

Love & wishing I had more balls, Mrs M ~ x ~

Gina said...

its funny about mobile phone and hospitals. I've been visiting a hospital (well a patient rather than a hospital. it would be daft to visit a hospital - unless you had a hospital fetish.) and although there are "no mobile" signs the nurses said it is ok to use the mobile phoones. Infact other patients were using them.

Ruthie said...

so why do they leave the signs up?

I always thought that you weren't meant to use them as it interferred with the medical equipment, although this may have just been an "urban myth". Or maybe technology has just improved...

But either way, it's one thing to check if it's okay to use them, but it's another to just assume and ignore the signs that are up.

It's like garage forecourts - there's loads of signs up telling people not to use their mobile phones on the forecourts, and yet you see loads of ignorant people still doing it.