Sunday 15 July 2007

So now I know...

Well, I took the advice of Mr Miggins (not the one that is also known as David Tennant, the other one!), and boy am I glad I did!

The reason that you do the skirting boards before the walls, is that when you remove the masking tape after finishing glossing, half the paint work from the walls comes off!

I would have been well peeved if I'd done the walls first, and then that happened!!!!


Anonymous said...

Will I be able to leave a comment this time - or not?! TESTING TESTING!!

Love Mrs M ~ x~

Ruthie said...

one, two.. one, two

Hey, look at me counting! And who said Essex girls were thick, eh?


Anonymous said...

Amazing how many blokes actually believe the Essex girl thing too - not just the being thick bit but the loose-knickers bit.

Just saying hi really, sorry I'm so lousy at keeping in touch at the moment. I hope to have a few nights to myself this weekend where I can re-charge my very flattened batteries and get a grip on things.

Catch you later - Sarah ~ X ~

Ruthie said...

Well, I'm sure there's some typical stereotypes of Essex women out there...

my knickers can be a bit loose at times, but that's usually when I know I've got to get new ones, cos the elastic's gone! ;o)

Anonymous said...

I often don't bother wearing any bloomers- last week the zip went on my trousers as I was walking to the chemists with little Miggins, (luckiy I was wearing a jacket) I said to him'oh dear, that zip must be worn out! As I tried to get the teeth to stay together the popper then decided to pop open, exposing my stomach. Little Miggins pipes up nice and loudly ' Mum, we nearly saw your noo-noo! ' - much to the delight of the blokes doing the roof of the bungalow we were passing. Why do these things keep happening to me?!

Love & oh! the shame, Mrs M ~ x ~

(have you noticed I've managed to leave several comments now, must be a record!)

Ruthie said...

Blimey Mrs M! Where's Norris McWerter when you need him eh?
