Saturday 9 June 2007


.... I received an update on my sponsored child this morning.

Her name is Marie, she's now 11, and she lives in Guinea, Africa. Judging by the photos I've seen of her, she likes having her photo taken about as much as I do, although she's far more photogenic than me!

Funnily enough, today is also my dad's birthday, and I first found out about sponsoring children through my dad. I've only been sponsoring Marie for about a year, but my dad's been sponsoring African children for about 30 years!

I sponsor Marie through Plan UK, and although you are sponsoring a child, the money goes to the village where the child lives. I also received a report/ photos showing how the money is being spent in the village.

It's only £12 a month, but out of the money I spend each month, it's probably the best spent!

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