Saturday 16 June 2007

Round up!

Ah, finished reading (again) To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee yesterday. I love that book! And I've just started re-reading The Lord of the Flies by William Golding. Recently, I've been finding it really difficult to find a book that I actually want to finish, so decided to turn to some of the old classics!

Britains Got Talent is still making me laugh and cry each night! It's such a shame that the Baton Twirler didn't get through to the final, but at least Nessum Dorma guy did!

Amanda Holden is beginning to REALLY wind me up. She was a complete bitch the other day, telling someone they'd had their 15 mins of fame, so why don't they pretty much get lost now, and that they didn't have as much talent as herself etc! This comes from the woman who went on Blind Date to get her 15 mins of fame, and lets not even get into the Les Dennis marriage!!! And what is it with female panelists foreheads? Why don't they move? More annoying, is her tears. When I cry my nose goes bright red, tears and snot stream down my face, my face goes blotchy, and I'm not very good at crying quietly either etc. However, when Ms Holden cries, these 2 thin dribbles of water come out of her eyes, but that's it!!!! Then she does this pathetic fanning of her eyes (a la Miss Congeniality)! Lady P did explain that was probably so the audience, who sit behind her, could tell she was crying! And, incidentally, how is she an "expert" on talent???

Lola and Reggie are getting cuter by the day. I came home one night this week, to find them sitting side by side on a lettuce leaf eating it together! Awwwwww! Then, while Lola was distracted by food, Reggie decided to go to sleep under a towel. Then, when she'd finished eating, she couldn't see him, so spent the next half an hour frantically running round the room trying to find him!!! Bless her, she's not the brightest spark, and at one point actually climbed on the towel, and was standing on him while she surveyed the room!!!

Looks like its going to be a nice day today! Can I be arsed to mow my lawns?? Probably not!


steverobbo said...

Why not read Eats, Shoots & Leaves by Lynne Truss?

Britain's Got Talent has an apostrophe.


Ruthie said...


Well, goes to show that punctuation obviously isn't my talent!


Gina said...

You must have written this before the down pour.

BTW respect to the red dots on your map. You're big in South America.

Ruthie said...

Bah! Don't talk to me about that rain! I had 3 loads of washing on the line, and while I was rushing to get it back indoors, I nearly tripped over Stalker Cat, who was also running to get inside!

I think the South Americans must have stumbled on this blog in error! But thank you, anyway!


Anonymous said...

I say leave Amanda Holden out of it...... she may have no talent, have no relevant opinion on talent and lets face it she did marry Les Dennis which no one will ever get over - but all in all quite cute!!!!!!!

hee hee - you can't hit me being this far away!!!!!!!

Ruthie said...

yes, but I can have a delayed reaction, and wait til you get over here next month!!!!


Anonymous said...

Never mind leave Amanda Holden alone - try saying I'm glad Connie didn't win around some people! Blow me, you'd have thought I said I wanted to boil little kittens in oil.

(thank you for the mail - reply to follow X )

Love & wanting to know if Ruthie fancies Elijah Wood?, Mrs M ~ X ~

Ruthie said...

OMG Mrs M - sounds like you got a similar reaction to the one I got when I said that I didn't think Connie was a particularly good singer!!!
Did you notice how the person that went on last always won??? Not planned or anything eh?

As for Elijah Wood, I probably would if I hadn't seen the extended version of all 3 LOTR films - can't get them hairy hobbit feet outta my head!
