Saturday 2 June 2007

Got an hour to kill!

Had a busy day today, trying to wile away the time til ADWD!

Did the usual shopping/ boring housework / gardening/ Internet geeking. Oh, and went to look at new front doors too.... don't get jealous at my exciting life!

Stalker Cat now recognises my car, and chased it down the street when I came back - so much for trying to play it cool, eh?

I now have Stalker Cat 2 which must be from New Zealand, cos its All Black! Tee hee! See, even though I'm annoyed with Lewis, I can still crack a rubbish joke!

Went down to the beach today - my mum and dad's beach hut has lost a large chunk of flooring, too many high tides apparently! So I said I'd go and give them a hand fixing it (sometimes I'm sure I should have been born a bloke!).... of course, I was so helpful, that I turned up an hour before they decided to call it a day! I was given the task of painting preservative UNDER the beach hut.... and some bright spark decided to buy the clear stuff, so I couldn't actually see which bits I'd done! A lot of it sprayed on me anyway, so now the water runs off me when I have a shower, but at least I won't get wood rot! Boom Boom!

When I dropped mum & dad back to theirs, I had to go in with them, cos I had a full bladder. I dashed to the downstairs loo, only to find about 5 trays of mealy worms in the bathroom! But I was so desperate, I didn't care if I had an audience!

Yes, my mum and dad buy live worms, so they can feed them to the birds (and I occasionally swipe some to feed my hedgehogs)..... so if you ever wondered why I'm such a freak....!


Anonymous said...

You want to be careful with that preservative stuff. I heard a story about this woman in America who had a terrible accident with that whilst painting the bottom of a bird table and turned into a hideous freak who's face never changes. Now, what was her name again? Chair? Share? Oh I don't know, it was something like that anyway.

Ruthie said...

Ah, would that be the same woman who's nose got slightly longer (and thinner) when she said she hadn't had any plastic surgery?

Maybe the preservative affected her hair too, as I've heard she wears wigs now....

I bet she's thinking "if I could turn back time...."