Monday 18 June 2007

My great ideas!

Had this really great idea to invite my mum and dad round for dinner yesterday. Of course, I didn't actually think about what I had in the cupboards until after I'd asked them. Fantastic! Shopping on a Sunday morning, just what I needed!

I decided to have another idea, and try cooking something new - Thai Green Curry! Big mistake! I had to walk up and down the aisles several times trying to find frikkin' Kaffir Lime Leaves, and it all started to become a bit stressful!

Of course, before I'd gone shopping, I'd had another idea, and actually told them what I was going to cook! Even bigger mistake... because if you end up serving something different, it just says "I'm a crap cook, and I can't follow a recipe"

Anyway, it all turned quite nice, but a bit hot!!! Will have to put more coconut milk in next time.... I will probably be having this quite a lot, seeing as I now have a whole jar of those lime leaves!

After lunch, Mum decided to pop upstairs and see her grandchildren (Reggie and Lola), but dad was too comfortable on the sofa. I don't think she was very impressed when she came down half an hour later to find me dozing on one sofa, dad quietly snoring on the other sofa, and Stalker Cat sprawled out on the floor asleep!!!!

But hey, Sunday afternoon kips - can't beat them!

p.s. My lastest cheesy US TV show addiction is Vanished! VERY GOOD!


Paula said...

Hurray, you're doing Green Thai curry.....count me in to be a guinea pig. Love your cooking xx

Ruthie said...

Awwww bless ye, me dearie!

I've got plenty of them Kaffir leaves, so let me know the day!!!!