Tuesday 12 June 2007

Update on DHL saga part 2

Last month, I moaned about the service I received from DHL.

Well, guess what??? I'm still getting really rubbish service from them! And I STILL haven't received that very same parcel!

It ended up going back to the sender, and resent by "next day delivery" last Thursday. So I emailed the Customer Relations lady, as agreed, so that she could let the depot know the "special instructions" etc.... And surprise, surprise, the parcel wasn't delivered on the Friday! Annoyingly, I didn't find this out til I got home, and by that time the offices were closed!

So I phoned up yesterday to ask them what had happened this time, only to be told that they forgot to phone me last week to find out what the parcel number was, as they couldn't do anything without that! WTF???? Like I'm going to know the parcel number that they assign to it???? JEEZ! And when I asked them why they couldn't just look it up under name and address, I got a response that resembled Little Britain "computer says no". AAAAARGH!

So they promised me that it would arrive today, and "no prizes for guessing" that it didn't fekking arrive today either!!!! In fact, a phone call indicated that it hadn't even left the bleeding depot today!

If anyone has any ideas how best to handle this, which doesn't involve bitchslapping the customer relations clerk, then I'd be grateful to hear them!

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