Saturday 30 June 2007

Cold turkey for me!

Nope, not going back to the meat eating way of life just yet!

I've decided that I'm going to try and give up Coke (as in the liquid), which is my only really awful addiction these days! This is a really big deal for me, as I'm seriously addicted to the stuff - I'm don't really want to give it up, but I know I've got to, as it's so bad for your guts.

I can't give up fizzy drinks just yet though (one step at a time). So I'm currently checking out what other light/diet/zero options are on offer. At the moment I'm trying diet fizzy Vimto - the first few mouthfuls were a bit 1980's, but it's growing on me.

D-day is likely to be this Tuesday (can't start it on a Monday) - gawd, this is going to be SOOOOOO hard!

Feel free to lay bets as to when I cave! I'm not even sure I'll make it to Wednesday!


Gina said...

But Ruthie don't you think your diet is restricted enough?

Ruthie said...

God, yes! But I should have been able to re-introduce foods by now... it should only have been about a 4 month break, but it's been over 2 years, and I'm still getting reactions. So I'm hoping by cutting this out, it may mean I can eventually have other things!

But hey, it's all academic, as I'm such a Coke Zero addict that I probably won't even last a day!

Anonymous said...

I wish you every success! I can't stand anything fizzy at all, but if I had to give up tea I would be seriously troubled.
Are you allergic to lots of foods? I am slightly intolerant to a couple of things, but not enough that I would cut them out.

Ruthie said...

Thanks Hannah. I won't bore you with all my health issues, but I've got a severe intolerance to Cows Milk, and lesser reactions to Barley, Tuna.

The cows milk is a pain, as I'm a veggie, and most vegetarian food has some form of milk/ cheese/ butter etc in it. And if it hasn't got that in, it's got barley/ malt in it!

I'm a complete pain to cater for - even my mum doesn't try it that often, although Mrs Robbo always does me proud! And I DREAD going to restaurants - that's a complete NIGHTMARE for me!

Unknown said...

I allways have a big bottle of fizzy water in the fridge and a mixture of lemons & limes at the ready.

to make my own;
> cold fizzy water
> cold lemonade
> cold limeade
> lemon and limeade

no added sugar, no calories and better for me than any of that rubbish the big boys sell!


Ruthie said...

that must be like the old fashioned lemonade... doesn't it make you pull a funny face when you drink it??? [bit like the one when you've had some fizzy cola bottle sweets]

Anonymous said...

If you leave an open bottle of fresh orange in the fridge for a while it goes fizzy. As a bit of a plus, it'll probably have fermented a bit of alcohol too ;)