Thursday 26 April 2007

just plain weird!!!!

Following on from the irrational hatred of certain individuals comments, I realise I have also have irrational hatred of the following two things... and these are just plain weird!

Bruised fruit - especially bananas - If I see someone eating a banana with brown or black bits on it, I start wretching. Don't know why, it just really makes me gag.

When people start writing with a biro, but the nibs not out - aaaaaargh, forget nails on blackboards... this makes my toes curl, and my mouth go all dry... again, don't know why!

Gawd, it's made me go all weird just thinking about those things....


Paula said...

Dont forget your irrational hatred of any bodily fliuds...puss (sorry, can hear you wretching), snot (but you are better with that one since Gabriel), etc etc
Look at last blog, for my irrational hatred about people in dreams!

Ruthie said...

aaaaaargh, I DELIBERATELY didn't mention the pus, snot, mucous, phlegm thing, as I knew it would make me want to chunder...

[wretching violently now]

Ruthie said...

and I hate that word "pus"... it's horrid.... oh, and I also hate the word "moist"!!!!

steverobbo said...

I can't stand bananas at all, but that's not irrational - they are the work of the devil.

Anonymous said...

Words I can't abide: Gusset and Mucus ( that would make a great company name though.)

Something I can't stand is the weird skin thing they put on those mini pepperonis. My son loves them and gets me to 'peel' them. Apart from the dodgy hand movement required to get the thing off they feel really disgusting.

Love & LOVING bananas Mrs M oOXOo

Ruthie said...

Mrs M, please, please, please don't tell me you eat the manky black bits on bananas. Bleurgh!

As for pepperonis... sometimes I'm glad to be a veggie!