Sunday 15 April 2007

Lazy days

Well, I managed to have a really good night's sleep, for a change, which may have been down to the very large takeaway last night!!

Today has been a very relaxing day, which loosely translates as 'I couldn't be arsed to do anything!'

Lola and Reggie went to visit their grandparents today - mainly as they needed a manicure/ pedicure, and I'm too much of a wuss to try and do this on my own! And it's official... my tortoises are naughty little beggars! In fact, my dad commented that they were "worse than hyperactive children" - which may be a diss on my parenting skills.....

I didn't think they were overly naughty - they just happened to climb in the water feature, walk all over their newly planted flowers, try to dig up their patio, and scare their dog!!!! Oh, and Lola stole some of my mum's banana too! Ooops! Anyway, they managed to get their claws clipped with no sign of blood - so yay to me! And now they've finally gone to sleep.... ah bliss!

Mystery cat appeared in my kitchen again....!!! So cat deterrent tips welcome!

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