Wednesday 11 April 2007

lucky me....

So far today I have:
- stubbed my right toe 3 times (when it was cold, and I was barefoot)
- dodged a cup falling out of a cupboard, that seemed set on smashing on my head
- cut my finger open at work (yuk - blood everywhere)
- chipped a bowl
- spilt a full glass of squash
- bashed my shin
- dropped the same piece of cutlery 3 times, straight after each other!
- burnt my vegetables
- dropped the remote control on my left foot
- trod on a peg (the same one I found in my pillow case last night, and threw on the bedroom floor in disgust)

The air conditioning is now completely broken at work (and we're STILL not allowed the windows open), and it won't be fixed for 2 more weeks!


Paula said...

Blimey Roo.......for goodness sake, don't let Reggie & Lola out for another 24hours, I am worried about their safety! Espesh if you are using the much loved Dyson.
See you Friday night xxxx

Anonymous said...

ohhh poor you! What a day! I hope today was a better one - love & much sympathy, Mrs M oOXOo