Monday 30 April 2007

Oh what a surprise....

... Ruthie's moaning about commuting again!!!

When you commute, you pretty much resign yourself to the fact you will always have someone sitting next to you, but it really pisses me off when someone sits next to me when the train's half empty, and we haven't even reached Southend Central. This usually means I have to stop reading my newspaper [unwritten rule: can't go over the invisible dividing line], and stare out the window for the next 45 minutes [gave up reading books in the morning, brain's only fit for the Sun at that time.... and ogling only occurs on the way home].

Today, a woman got on at Southend East, plonked her arse down next to me, dug her elbows in my side [some people just don't get the dividing line rule], and then spent the next 20 minutes fidgeting, putting her make up, elbowing me again, checking her blackberry, putting hand cream on, checking herself in the mirror, wiping her make up off, reapplying, elbowing me, dusting herself with powder [covering me with it too].... and so on! It's IMPOSSIBLE to relax when you've got that going on next to you!!!

And THEN, I noticed the SNIFFING!!!!!

Every 10 seconds, sniff, sniff.... I swear it was getting louder too.... after about 10 minutes, I dug in my bag, waved a tissue in front of her face and said "do you want a tissue?" with as much sympathy as I could muster through clenched teeth! "no, it's alright, thank you, I've got some".... "WELL FEKKING USE THEM THEN"... I said that last bit in my head.. out loud I just said "oh okay".... Still, at least she got the hint...yuk!

Then on the way home... some radgies got on the train, blaring out their ultra cool music from their mobies... and I use the term "ultra cool" very loosely! And that was nearly as irritating as the old bid trying to speak to her grandchild AT THE TOP OF HER VOICE on her mobile phone!

All of which meant that I did not get to doze!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Luckily I don't get the train that often, but when I do I share your annoyance. I hate it when you are reading a newspaper with the person next to you reading it over your shoulder.
I also have a thing about personal space. I hate it in a public toilet where there are loads of empty cubicles when someone comes in the one right next to you. Why?

Ruthie said...

OMG!!! The public toilet thing really annoys me too...! Can't explain why... just irritates me!