Wednesday 4 April 2007


Recently, I've been taking the time to get my bearings in Southwark! Although the journey is a killer, its such a lovely area to work in... and to top it all off, we've found a really great cafe that does cups of tea for 60p, which is great compared to the £6.35 that Starbucks charge (that's only a small exaggeration)!

I'm really rubbish at directions, and I managed to get lost around Borough Market the other day... but I did find the pub that Bridget Jones lived above in the films! And I've also appeared in about 6 million tourists photos as I've walked past the Golden Hind, Prison Museum and across the bridges... might be able to star in one of those "Where's Wally?" books soon!

It seems a really popular place to film - The Jack Osbourne Show was filming on the Millenium Bridge at the beginning of the week! And apparently Dr Who is going to be at the Globe Theatre, next week, but about 400 years ago, so I won't get to see him .... phew, don't want DT trying that "genetic transfer" line on me!


Paula said...

You lost in a way, you're the self confessed Market Whore. Maybe you need TomTom, or DebDeb!

Ruthie said...

Yea, it's not yer usual type of market, though.... maybe that's what confused me!

Also, they'd started putting up some porta-cabins (more filming then), which totally lost me!

Gina said...

Will done Paula - I did't pick up on that. Ruthie you a shameless market whore.

it took me a while to get the TomTom joke - v. witty!