Sunday 8 April 2007

Ladies, does this make your blood boil???

I was having a discussion with a friend yesterday, and I obviously made a point that he didn't seem to like, as the response was "you're not due on, are you?" Now, isn't this THE MOST annoying thing someone can say to you??? I responded very diplomatically with "I don't see how that has any relevance to the conversation we are having. I feel that you have merely introduced that into the equation to deflect from the truth contained within my words, to demonstrate how unfounded your previous point was". To those of you who know me well, you will realise that is not what I actually said, but for decency reasons, I am not able to publish the exact phrase I used.

The truth is, I am due on, but I didn't feel that I was behaving, or saying anything, differently to how I would have been any other time within the month! I find it totally outrageous, and unreasonable, for anyone to use menstrual cycles to discredit what you are saying. Obviously, if I had him in a headlock, giving him a few right uppercuts, then he may have had grounds to use PMS as an excuse for my behaviour! Although, in those circumstances, if he had, I would probably have rammed a packet of tampax down his throat!

Why do people feel that PMS is a deflection tool? And does this annoy anyone else?


Gina said...

That was one foolish friend!

There is a girl at work and I can tell when she is due on because she does get more irritable. However I know better than to point that out to her..

Ruthie said...

Well obviously you can usually tell - spots is a good indication - but you NEVER NEVER use it as evidence!!!! Foolish indeed!