Wednesday 2 May 2007

and another thing...

Forgot to mention this strange incident that happened this morning!

Bit of boring background for you... when we were based at Canary Wharf, the bank decided to bring in a recycling policy, which is something we'd been asking about for years! They sent a note round to say they were going to collect all the desk bins on the Friday, so if we wanted to keep one, we'd have to lock it in the cupboard for that night... However, they decided to collect them on the Wednesday, so we all lost them, and they then refused to give any back. Colour coded bins were then placed around the office, so everyone could start separating their cups/ cans/ cardboard etc from their general waste. Of course, this totally backfired, as everyone could not be arsed to get up and walk 20 metres to find a bin, so ended up stuffing rubbish in their empty cups, and throwing it all out as general waste at the end of the day!

When we moved to Park Street, there were even less bins, and even further to walk... and lets face it, who wants to walk a mile to find a bin, everytime you take your tea bag out...! Needless to say, a lot of us bought our own cheap bins, and empty them at the end of the day!

This morning, some strange little man came marching up to my desk, picked up my bin and started walking away with it... in my defense, it was VERY early in the morning, and it was a bit of a principal thing... anyway:
Me: Excuse me, where are you taking my bin?
SLM: I'm taking it away.
Me: Why?
SLM: Because I have to.
Me: Why do you have to?
SLM: Because I've been told to.
Me: But it's my bin
SLM: Yes, and you can't have it.
Me: But it's mine, I paid for it.
SLM: And I am taking it.
Me: No, you are not taking it, because it's mine.
At this point, I was ready to pounce on him, wrestle the bin away from him, get him in a headlock, and give him a few right uppercuts. Obviously this thought may have reflected in my eyes, as he suddenly threw the bin back at me, and scarpered.

He then proceeded to try and take everybody elses bin. Of course, he was challenged every time he picked up a bin, and within 15 mins looked as though he was about to have a full-on panic attack!

I did actually feel a bit sorry for him, as he was only following orders, but how pathetic is it that we can't have our bins???


Gina said...

You bought your own bin? Did you buy it at Asda and take it all the way to London? Did you have to buy a train ticket for it? Is it bank standard?

Ruthie said...

Well, seeing as you asked...
Yes I bought my own bin.
I bought it from the Factory Shop and had to take it on the train with me.
The bin did not occupy its own seat, so I didn't feel it necessary to buy it a train ticket.
It must have been pretty close to bank standard, as Carlos did not recognise that I might actually have spent my hard earned £1 on it!

And I may have to get my own yellow highlighters and post-it notes too! Tight fisted gits!