Sunday 20 May 2007

I keep on forgetting....

..... to mention how I know that summer is around the corner!

It's because the ducks are back in Asda car park! Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

They are soooooo cute, they just sit on the grass verge by the petrol station all day, and then as dusk falls, they waddle across the car park, and say hello to all the customers. They are so important that cars just stop & pile up to let them walk across the road (its the only time that no-one beeps their horn at the hold-up).

The customers coming out the store fall in love with them, and rush to open their shopping to throw them bits of food! Then, when they're full, they waddle off home to bed.

I love these quack quacks - they make me smile!

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