Wednesday 30 May 2007

Square eyes

It's Wednesday, and I'm ALREADY looking forward to the weekend

Now that all my naff American TV series have finished, I've been wondering what I'm going to be watching until the new seasons start.... obviously I've already decided that I will be planning my diary around ADWD, and the BB8 shows... but I meant for the rest of the time (excluding parental duties, and taking in stray stalking cats)

However, one of my buddies has given me a whole load of Laurel & Hardy movies... so now methinks I will not be moving my lardy arse of the sofa this weekend!


Anonymous said...

I also share your love of BB. It goes against my principles and I hate loving it, but I have watched all of the series' and can't stop now.

It is a tiny tiny consolation that I can watch the first one tonight, while Alex is with Joey in London enjoying excellent seats for the Simply Red concert. Actually, that is not a consolation at all. :-(

Ruthie said...

awwwww that's no consolation at all! I love BB - I don't usually get really addicted until a couple of weeks have passed... and it is naff/ shallow/ totally wrong etc, but it does annoy me when people who don't watch it slag it off... I think it's not just entertaining, but also really intresting from a psychological point of view.... watching how characters develop/ drop their guard/ interact etc!!!

Does Alex watch it too, or is it something you have to watch in "secret"?

p.s. I went to watch S.R. in the late 80's - they were fab

p.p.s I was VERY young then!