Monday 14 May 2007

Biz trip

I've got an afternoon meeting in Leicester tomorrow, so I get another lie in - hurrah! Bad news is that it isn't due to finish until 5pm, so I'll be leaving there during rush hour and probably won't be home til after 9pm - Booo! This also means I'll be too knackered to watch the latest episode of Heroes.... Bah!!!!!

Our hire car is a Peugeot 306 which I've never driven before... I am eternally grateful that it wasn't an Astra, which has been my LEAST favourite previous hire car!

And I'm not impressed with the way the hire company have parked the car outside my house! One wheel on the pavement (just), and half the car hanging over my driveway, meaning it's a damn good job I wasn't going out tonight! Thoughtless gits!!!! The car was also blocking access to the driveways opposite mine... looks like I'm going to be popular with the neighbours tonight!

I am now going to have a proper sulk at having to wait 2 days to watch Heroes!

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