Monday 28 May 2007

Oh gawd....

.....I know I promised to tell you how many pieces of dried fruit I found in my breakfast today, but I totally forgot, and had vegemite on toast!

I hope none of you had a sleepless night worrying about this.

I feel I've let you down!



Anonymous said...

Vegemite? Vegemite?! That imposter! It tastes like grass cuttings! (or how I imagine grass cuttings must taste, not being a rabbit or a sheep, this is mearly an semi-educated guess)

Love, Mrs M - who would only allow MARMITE in the house! ~ X ~

Ruthie said...

I, too, am a MARMITE lover, but ran out yesterday :o(

I only had Vegemite left (which I'm not even meant to eat - oops - and it was probably out of date anyway)

Looks like I'll be joining Hannah in the loo later!

Unknown said...

I buy extra dried fruit to put in my cereals and don't forget it is an easy way to get the recommended 5 a day! 35 raisons = 1 weeks worth in one go!

Ruthie said...

Yea, but when you buy them separately, they taste alright!

It's only when they're already in the cereal packet that they're yukky!