Sunday 20 May 2007

My own magic moment....

To those of you who know me, I want to share with you a magical moment that happened to me last night... of course, those who don't know me are welcome to carry on reading, and I really hope that you can appreciate how sincerely humbled I felt by this experience....

I may have previously mentioned my erratic sleeping patterns, ever since I returned from my residency in India [note: remind me to tell you about that period of my life at some point]. Many a night I have laid in bed awake, waiting for sleep to take hold of me, or daylight to break. It is at these times that I have been blessed with true clarity of thought, for which I am eternally grateful.

However, recently I have realised that something important has been missing from my life. During this troubling time, where has been this clarity of thought, to help me prepare for whatever life may bring to my door? I have felt like it has abandoned me, like it has spitefully thrown me to the wind. And I have struggled, believe me, it has been a struggle, to establish what this void has been...


Last night, I went to bed early, so I could do something I have not done in ages, to gorge myself on Saturday night TV, as a distraction from my turmoil.... It was while I was lying there, I suddenly heard the voices of angels singing, carrying me to the realisation that when I'd seen a red door, I had, indeed, wanted to paint it black, black as coal. And in that moment, which I can only describe as my own special epiphany, the realization of what had been absent from my life dawned upon me.... I had discovered Any Dream Will Do.

The anguish of those poor Joseph wannabes, as they sang their little hearts out to Captain Jack and his merry men, with a little leprechaun ready to help them follow a rainbow to a pot of gold, jovially comforting them through their turbulent journey of self-discovery. I'm sure any of you who have seen this, will agree what a truly beautiful, humbling experience it is to observe these young men woefully following their dreams.

As the credits rolled at the end of part one, I felt my heart racing as I patiently waited to find out who would have to hand their coat back. Mrs Robbo, I thank you for being there with me, for phoning me when I most needed someone to talk to, and supporting me through one of the longest hours of my life. You are a true friend.

The tears rolled as poor Daniel was cast aside by Sir Andrew. How cruel that they made him sing one last time, as he sadly took off his amazing technicolour dreamcoat....

And as I sit here, making my very own dreamcoat, as homage to the delightful campness of this experience, I would like to say, "Reality TV, welcome back into my life...."


Gina said...

I loved the taking off the dream coat sequence. How the Josephs managed to hit the notes with tears in their sparkling eyes, I'll never know. When I'm bravely holding back the tears I can't even talk. But then I'm no Joseph.

Ruthie said...

... and how come their makeup didn't run either???

Pure professionals!

I tell you, if Craig or Lewis win "Joseph Idol" then Andrew Lloyd Webber will never get another Ah-ah-ahhhhhh out of me when I close my eyes and draw back the curtains!!!!!