Tuesday 22 May 2007

Who does he think he is?

Well, moving on swiftly - to take my mind off the temporary loss of some very dear friends....

Stalker Cat!!!

It appears that he has been 2-timing me, with the family living down the road. Typical bloke, he comes round when he wants a bit of attention/ affection/ feeding, then as soon as he's had what he came round for, he's off sniffing around the next one. Then when he's bored/ got a bit of spare time/ feeling hungry, all of a sudden he's back....!

And it's bad enough that I'm like a mistress-equivalent (not in a sexual way, because that would be wrong) that's living next door to him, but fancy having another mistress down the same road - that's just plain stoo-pid! I know I joke about the amount of in-breeding in these parts, which makes it borderline Deliverance territory, but now you can understand the saying "many a true word said in jest."

Bah, I deserve better than this!!!!


Paula said...

Maybe they are 'just friends? and he likes to hang out there, but only so they do not get jealous of the amount of time he is spending with you.

Ruthie said...

Lol - that ole chestnut!!! Now where have I heard that before...?
