Tuesday 8 May 2007

It's over....

My love affair (not literally) with Stalker Cat is well and truly over! I came to this conclusion when he decided to miaow REALLY, REALLY loudly, while I was trying to watch Heroes!!!! How very, very dare he! He obviously needs to learn about priorities in life i.e. heroes saving the world are far more important than a fluffy cuddle!!!!

First Aid course is enjoyable, but hard work.... it's times like 'when I'm trying to tie bandages,' that I wish I'd been blessed with better co-ordination, and could remember the differences between a 'reef knot' and a 'granny knot' - that sailing course was worth going on, eh? Still, at least I got the bandages on the right limbs, which is a start!

My head is hurting from information overload (and loud purring), so think I'm going to go and watch an episode of Jericho (latest naff American TV series that I'm watching)......

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