Thursday 17 May 2007

bits & bobs

Didn't go to work today... I booked the day off! Not for any special reason, just fancied having a day off!

I did a load of things today that I've been putting off for aaaaaages! Like: clearing out some of the junk in my garage; getting estimates for a new carpet; sorting out a sand-pit for Lola and Reggie (they're soooo spoilt); potting up some seedlings.... blah blah blah!

I also popped into AUT for one of my buddies, who wanted some supercheap speakers. Very nice, very patient man behind the counter had to try and explain what all the "features" on each speaker meant in non-technical terms.... I can't remember how we got onto this subject, but it turns out he's a big Voyager fan, just like me (sad trekkies). Anyway, I ended up buying a pair of speakers because "if you were watching Voyager using these speakers, the Jefferson tubes and the doors would sound really amazing!" That's what I like, basic explanations - forget all this techie stuff!

Found out that Jericho is not being renewed for another season - which is totally outrageous! Granted it was a bit of a slow developer, but the season finale was great... I blubbered! Why do American channels do that??? Have a really good series, then drop it with so many things unanswered... I'm still waiting to find out if Angel and Spike got out of that alleyway!

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