Thursday 24 May 2007

Lovely day

Had another day off today - long story behind why, so won't bore you with that... but it involves decorating yawn yawn yawn. Anyway, those arrangements were postponed, so I had the choice of still taking the day off, or working. And guess what??? I chose not to work!

Instead, I went to Blackheath and caught-up with one of my good buddies that I haven't seen for a while, so it was a lovely worthwhile day. Weather was fantastic.... was baking by the time I got to the Heath, then bleeding typical, as soon as I get out of the car, exposing my raw-fish-coloured legs, the bleeding sun goes behind a cloud! Which is probably a good thing, as the sun reflecting off my legs might have had the same look as Ross' teeth when he had them whitened in Friends!

Of course, as soon as I got back in the car to drive home, the sun came out again! Which, I suppose, on the plus side, means tomorrow I will still be white, or should I say "have an English Rose complexion", rather than be as red as a lobster!

Got back home to find Reggie upside down - have absolutely no idea how he managed to do this. Of course, once I managed to get him re-hydrated etc, my first thought was "god, I'm going to have to give up work now, just in case this happens again!"


Anonymous said...

So what happens to tortoises if they flip themselves over in the wild? Do their mates come and flip them back over the right way? Surely tortoise-land isn't just covered with thousands of tortoise shell ashtrays where they've all flipped themselves over and couldn't get upright again, after all if so how could they not be extinct? Is it just domesticated tortoises that don't know how to turn back over again? or do they just do it on purpose for a bit of attention and some extra lettuce? I'm puzzled.

Ruthie said...

I've got no idea!!!! I think the difference is that if a tortoise in the wild flips over, it's usually on soil/ sand etc, so they can wriggle around or grab onto some grass to pull themselves back over... unlike tame tortoises (sorry, I meant SPOILT tortoises) who are allowed to walk round freely on laminate flooring. They are okay like that, providing they don't dehydrate (undersides are more sensitive).

With Lola, she will deliberately do it for attention and the extra lettuce... Reggie is my second-born one, and is more independent, so think his was a genuine mistake!

I still gave him 2nd helpings though, but he wasn't interested!